1. Help students achieve a biblical view of homosexuality and how to interact with homosexuals.
2. Expose cultural messages on homosexuality and attempts at undermining the biblical message.
3. Encourage students to employ love and truth in all situations.

Compassion, Iniquity, Morals, Outreach, Prejudice, Worldliness

Scripture Memorization
1 Corinthians 6:11

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)
Discriminatory Behavior (Activity) Click here

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)
(This simple word association game will get people thinking on their feet and get them to respond honestly about homosexuality. This is a definite hot-button issue in our world today, and it’s one the church can’t afford to be silent on. We’re going to discuss it real frankly today, so be ready to field questions from a Biblical perspective.)

Word Association
I’m going to say a word and you say what comes to mind. Try not to think so hard about it, just answer quickly.
• McDonald’s (hamburgers, yuck, Happy Meal, etc.)
• New York Yankees (awesome, baseball, hate ‘em, etc.)
• Math (nerd, fun, problem, addition, etc.)
• Family (who knows what they’ll say here!)
• American (cheese, Idol, flag, etc.)
• Homosexuality (see below)

Changes are, when you said that last word, one of three things happened:

1.) There was complete silence.
2.) There were some positive remarks offering views of love or acceptance.
3.) There were a lot of negative comments and remarks.

Whatever the response, use it as a springboard to show why more than ever before, we need to understand what the Bible says about homosexuality.

General Discussion:
• Why do you think we responded the way we did just then?
• How often do you hear homosexuality talked about? How often in church?
• In what contexts do you hear words like “gay”? (Usually in a negative sense. The term has even grown to mean anything messed up or not suitable to a person, i.e. “that movie was gay.”)
• Do we need to be able to think about homosexuality in a Biblical way? Why or why not?

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
We want to go deeper into this idea by talking about how society portrays homosexuality, talking about the general way in which the church deals with it, and then look at the Scriptures that discuss it.

Discussion Questions:
1. How does society promote or not promote homosexuality?
2. What are some common characters from pop culture that portray this image?
3. Do you believe that most people are accepting of homosexuality as a lifestyle? Why or why not?

If you’re set up to show a video clip, you might record a scene from a popular television show which depicts homosexuality as normal and/or acceptable, a lot of shows have such characters. Use it to fuel this same discussion.

After viewing the video clip discuss how the portrayal shown in the clip effects the way people think about homosexuality?

There is also a very real presence of violent, anti-gay expression amongst Christians in America. Consider some quotes from a church’s website (that will remain unnamed), whose very title indicates their misguided hatred against homosexuals.

(DISCLAIMER: The language used below is stronger than some audiences may be used to hearing, but gives an accurate depiction of some Christian’s beliefs about homosexuals. All emphasis, italics or capitalization, are original to the site from which the quoted material was taken.)


Many homosexuals have a real hatred for the church and reading the above statements, you can understand why.

But that’s where the discussion becomes very difficult. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is wrong, as we’ll discuss. But how should homosexuals be treated by the Church?

It is noteworthy that 40 percent of 18 and 19 year olds think that having a relationship with someone of the opposite sex is morally acceptable — taken from Walt Mueller’s book “Youth Culture 101,” published by Zondervan in 2007.)

Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say. Have students read assigned texts, then answer questions.

Homosexuality in Scripture:

Read the following Scriptures:
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
1 Timothy 1:9-10
Romans 1:26-27

Discussion Questions:
1. What do each of these Scriptures say about homosexuality?
2. What is homosexuality equated with?
3. From these Scriptures, would you conclude that practicing homosexuality is a sin? Why or why not?

(The homosexual community has responded back with several arguments about what the Bible says, many of which are simply untrue. Use this as additional discussion material if needed.)

Pro-Gay Arguments/Answers to Arguments:
1. “Jesus said nothing about homosexuality” (He didn’t mention a lot of things, this is not giving permission.)

2. “God made people as homosexual, how can he condemn it?” (There is no scientific proof that homosexuality is “natural” or in-born.)

3. “When the Bible mentions homosexuality in the New Testament, it uses the word Arsenokoitai, which means pedophilia, not adult consensual homosexuality.” (Arsenokoitai, seldom used in ancient writing, is a hard word to pin down. It’s very possible it means homosexuality, but the whole argument of the New Testament doesn’t rise and fall on this word.)

4. “The Bible condemns homosexuality in the Old Testament more plainly, but it also condemns tattoos, working on Saturday, and eating pork. Christians are adamant about homosexuality but brush off the others as unnecessary.”
(Homosexuality, as it is mentioned in Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, and Deuteronomy 23:17-18 is part of what is called the “purity code” instructions given to Israel about how they ought to live. It is not part of the all-encompassing “moral code” that all people should obey (thou shalt not kill, etc.). However, the degree to which the purity code should be taken seriously is in proportion to the punishment given for it. In this case, death is punishment. Homosexuality, being forbidden, cannot be ignored based on this argument.)

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)
Two facts are indisputable after our study. One is that the Bible clearly speaks out against homosexuality. However, the other point is equally true—Christians should not hate homosexuals or speak in hateful ways to/about homosexuals. Even the term “that’s gay” is questionable for the Christian.

Consider taking a few steps in your own life:

1. Stop treating homosexuality like a super-sin. Study the scriptures so you know what they actually say about the topic. Realize that, in most cases, it’s listed as a sin like many others (lying, stealing, adultery, etc.)

2. Be Jesus to people. Love them as he would. Don’t excuse what they do, but don’t treat them like they are not human beings because of it.

3. Learn more; don’t settle for an attitude based in ignorance. Study the scriptures and do what you can to be informed, not ignorant. This will mean huge inroads in relating to the homosexual community.

Our word associations need to change. When we hear “homosexual,” we need to respond in love, not hate. When we deal with homosexuals (someday you will if you haven’t yet) it should be in understanding, not ignorance.

Let’s pray that God will help us deal with this tough topic.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)